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it's where to go to let go...
[ sh-oo-p ]
​to shoop, to go shooping, to shoop by yourself or with friends, to say 'to shoop with that', to claim 'shoop me'
you might not know what your shoop will be
or what it's going to look like,
you just know you need to let go &
get it out for the world to see it...
*and honestly it's just a nonsense word we made up to apply to
all emotions, experiences & actions
turns out it's one of the only words out there as versatile as "fuck"
anxiety kicking in?
nothing quite going to plan?
feel like giving up?
need a bit of back up?
#EverydayPeople #inRealLife
shoop is:
positive, fun, upbeat, ambitious, out of your comfort zone - not the mundane, it’s about what you want, not where you are
you might not know what you’ll like before you do it, it might go wrong the first time, but who cares?
your shoop is yours - doesn’t need to make sense to anyone else but feels great for you
let's meet weird with weird
it’s a place where surprising
& random things happen,
& when people jump in & get some back-up they believe new things are possible in life
Pip & Catherine are
getting this SHOOP started
we work creatively using improv, movement & play and in the mix with all this - we find the fun
SHOOP is for everyone
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